How many Polish scientists carry out research on artificial intelligence (AI)? Which research centres publish the most? How many research papers have been published in high-profile journals? We present a report entitled “AI researchers and their publications.”
The study forms part of a more extensive report entitled “Artificial intelligence development in the science sector in Poland”, which is to be presented by the end of this year. It will portray to what extent Polish universities and research centres are prepared to carry out research on AI and how they want to educate experts. The report “AI researchers and their publications”looks at data concerning publications on artificial intelligence, broken down by disciplines, research centres, or the quality of the journals in which the scientific papers were published.
Report layout
- The first part of the report presents the results of searches of the Polish Scientific Bibliography (PSB) contents for publications by researchers representing all disciplines of science using a list of keywords. More information can be accessed here.
- In the second part of the report, the analysis is narrowed down to the group of researchers representing computer and information sciences under natural sciences, and information and communication technology. More information can be accessed here.
- The third part of the report concerns statistics based on the PSB searches for articles on AI published in high-profile computer and information science journals. More information can be accessed here.
- The fourth part of the report presents the relevant maps, a ranking of research centres and their publication strategies. More information can be accessed here.
FULL TEXT OF THE REPORT in pdf format can be accessed HERE(please note: due to the mode of data presentation, this version is slightly different than the Internet version, where the last two chapters have been merged into one).
The most popular keywords appearing in publications of AI researchers in the period 2013-2018
Note: The chart includes data on scientific papers (monographs, chapters, articles) which were searched on the basis of a list of keywords in the title or abstract of the papers. The list of keywords included 294 AI terminology items in English, which were additionally translated into Polish.

AI researchers and their publications: main conclusions drawn from the analysis
In the period 2013-2018, 1,500 computer science researchers (i.e. researchers representing computer and information sciences or information and communication technology) published approximately 5,300 scientific articles or monographs on AI in Poland. One in five of them was published in an impact factor journal and was included in the prestigious A list of scientific journals run by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
The majority of AI researchers from the area of computer and information sciences were employed at the AGH University of Science and Technology (147), Warsaw University of Technology (129), Wrocław University of Science and Technology (104), Silesian University of Technology (95), and Łódź University of Technology (77).
It should be noted that research papers on AI are prepared also in disciplines other than computer science, including humanities and social sciences. For instance, in the area of management and quality studies and economics and finance, AI methods are applied to solve issues such as risk and competitiveness. When it comes to law, philosophy and arts, it is possible to find analyses of the applicability of AI in various areas of life. In total, in disciplines other than computer sciences, over 7,300 publications were drafted by over 5,000 researchers.
A total of 1,800 researchers published their papers in high-profile journals on AI from the area of machine learning, data mining and artificial intelligence; image processing and computer vision, and human computer interaction in the years 2013-2018. Seventy percent of them represented computer sciences.
The top institutions in terms of the number of researchers who publish scientific articles in high-profile computer and information science journals are: AGH University of Science and Technology (106), Warsaw University of Technology (93), Wrocław University of Science and Technology (93), University of Warsaw (93), and Poznań University of Technology (82).

Important remarks concerning methodology
It is not an easy task to estimate the general number of AI researchers employed in research centres in Poland as there is no database where all the information on AI is collected.
The conclusions presented here were drafted on the basis of an analysis of the resources of the Polish Scientific Bibliography (PSB), which collects data on publications by researchers employed in Polish research centres. It is part of the Integrated System of Information on Science and Higher Education (POL-on). All research centres in the so-called scientific category, i.e. the overwhelming majority of research centres in Poland, are obliged to enter data into the PSB, which ensures high quality of the statistics presented.
In this report, the number of AI researchers was estimated using two methods:
- searches of the Polish Scientific Bibliography for papers containing phrases from the area of AI in titles or in abstracts (at least one of 294 keywords in English, which were additionally translated into Polish);
- searches of the Polish Scientific Bibliography for publications that appeared in journals with the impact factor, in the areas of machine learning, data mining and artificial intelligence; image processing and computer vision,andhuman computer interaction, as listed on the Guide2Research website.
Methodological details of the process of data gathering have been presented in appendices to the report.
Context of the study
The analyses form part of the study “Development of artificial intelligence in the science sector in Poland”, implemented by the National Information Processing Centre OPI, at the request of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Full report is planned to be presented in December 2019.
The aim of the study is to diagnose the condition of the science sector with respect to AI research, and identify its strengths and most important problem areas that might slow down the development of AI in Poland.