Terms of Service


  1. The Artificial Intelligence portal (hereinafter referred to as “Portal”) is provided by National Information Processing Institute headquartered in Warsaw at the following address: al. Niepodległości 188b, 00-608, Warszawa, registered in the Regional Court for the capital city of Warsaw, 12th Economic Division of the National Court Register, under No. KRS 0000127372, tax identification number (NIP): 525-000-91-40, legal entity statistical number (REGON): 006746090, hereinafter referred to as “OPI PIB”.
  2. The Portal covers websites provided by OPI PIB in its own name in the www.sztucznainteligencja.org.pl internet domain.
  3. The Portal does not cover the space hosted to third parties.
  4. The Portal makes it possible to use websites and electronic services that are provided by the Portal Users. 
  5. The Portal Users may use electronic services for self-presentation, dissemination of their content and communication. In order to perform the actions referred to in item 5, the User must at any one time obtain an approval granted by OPI PIB. Granted approvals shall also specify detailed conditions of selfpresentation.
  6. The Portal is used to present scientific, popular science and educational content. The subject matter of the content presented includes: new technologies, artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotics. 
  7. The use of the Portal is subject to these Terms, which are available to all Portal Users at the following internet address: www.sztucznainteligencja.org.pl
  8. Any and all legal relations arising from these Terms shall be governed by Polish law. Any and all disputes shall be settled by competent Polish courts of general jurisdiction.


  1. Any and all rights to the Portal and to all elements thereof (including software, functional layout, graphic elements, databases and other works presented on the Portal), to the exclusion of the content provided and disseminated by the Portal Users, are the property of OPI PIB and are legally protected. 
  2. The exclusion referred to in the item above pertains in particular to:
    1. works protected under the Act of 4 February 1994 on Copyright and Related Rights (i.e. Polish Journal of Laws, Dz. U., of 2018, item 1191, as amended), and specifically to: literary, journalistic, scientific, cartographic works, computer programs, artistic, photographic, industrial design, architectural, architectural and urban planning, musical, musical and lyrical, theatrical, theatrical and musical, choreographic, pantomime, audiovisual (including film), and other works;
    2. databases protected under the Act of 27 July 2001 on Protection of Databases (Polish Journal of Laws, Dz.U., No. 128, item 1402, as amended); 
    3. trademarks protected under the Industrial Property Act of 30 June 2000 (i.e. Polish Journal of Laws, Dz.U., of 2017, item 1117, as amended); 
    4. names of internet domains;
    5. other content and services protected under applicable regulations, including under the Act of 16 April 1993 on Combatting Unfair Competition (i.e. Polish Journal of Laws, Dz.U., of 2018, item 419, as amended). 
  3. Using the Portal does not mean acquisition of any rights to the Portal or to any elements thereof. In particular: 
    1. Portal Users may use Portal elements (including works and databases that are made available on the Portal) only for their personal purposes,
    2. Portal Users shall be entitled to disseminate the content of the Portal, in particular for advertising and information purposes. In that case, Portal Users shall be at any one time obligated to give information on the source of the content cited, forename and surname of the author, as well as internet address of the Portal. Dissemination of photos shall at any one time require an approval of OPI PIB,
    3. apart from the cases referred to in the item above, unless an explicit approval is granted by OPI PIB (or by any other authorized entity), it is forbidden to take any of the following actions with respect to the Portal, to any parts thereof and to any content presented on the Portal:
      1. within the scope of recording and copying the content: to make copies of any content with any technique, including printing, reprographics, magnetic recording and digital techniques; 
      2. within the scope of trading the original copy or any copies on which the content has been fixed: to commercialize, lend for use or lease the original copy or any copies thereof; 
      3. within the scope of disseminating the content in a manner different from what has been defined above: to publicly perform, exhibit, display, present, broadcast and rebroadcast a work and to make a work available to anyone at any time in any place they see fit; 
      4. within the scope of databases: to download the content of databases and to re-use it in full or in any substantial (qualitywise or quantitywise) part. 
  4. A person, who wishes to use the content (and, in particular, works) available on the Portal within the scope beyond the limits referred to in item II.3. of these Terms or who has any doubt regarding a scope within which the content (including the works) is allowed to be used, should contact OPI PIB. 
  5. If no approval is granted by OPI PIB, altering or blocking the content (in particular verbal, artistic, photographic and audiovisual content) presented on the OPI PIB’s Portal may infringe regulations in force as well as rights of OPI PIB and third party rights. The foregoing pertains in particular to the use, for that purpose, of such tools as web browsers and other applications capable of altering or blocking the content that is made available on the OPI PIB’s Portal. 


  1. Risks connected with the use of the Internet and with the function and purpose of software or data that are not a part of the content of websites or electronic services available on the Portal are listed by OPI PIB in the Privacy Policy. The Privacy Policy of OPI PIB is available at www.sztucznainteligencja.org.pl 
  2. The Privacy Policy also lays down the rules of processing personal data of Portal Users.


OPI PIB uses best endeavors to ensure that the Portal stays compatible with all popular internet browsers, operating systems, computer types and internet connection types. However, OPI PIB assumes no liability and does not guarantee that each combination of those factors shall make it possible to use the Portal or specific elements thereof. 


  1. OPI PIB does not guarantee uninterrupted and seamless access to the Portal (or to specific elements thereof) to all Portal Users. OPI PIB shall be entitled to temporarily deny or limit access to the Portal, in particular if interruptions or interferences result from:
    1. a necessity to repair, enhance, modify or maintain hardware or software; 
    2. causes beyond control of OPI PIB (force majeure, third party actions or omissions). 
  2. OPI PIB uses best endeavors to ensure that information provided by OPI PIB and published on the Portal is reliable, complete, true and updated. 
  3. Webpages of the Portal contain links to other webpages allowing to use other websites and electronic services that are not made available and provided by OPI PIB. We use all efforts necessary to eliminate links to webpages with illegal content.